Regarding this issue, could you please follow the below steps:
Add the SMTP_AUTHENTICATION site parameter, and set the parameter value to 'Y'. In Site Administration, select Site Configuration > Settings > Set Mail Protocol.
Configure the following fields:
a. Username and password of a mail administrator user that has permissions to connect to the SMTP server.
b. Email address of the SMTP admin user.
Restart the Quality Center service.
Note: if the SMTP_AUTHENTICATION parameter is set to 'N' or deleted, the above fields are hidden again, and Quality Center will not use authentication to log in. You must restart the Quality Center service to apply the changes.
1. Try to use the SMTP server IP instead of the Server name
2. The SMTP protocol uses port 25 as default port; make sure that this port is not blocked by a firewall. For this you may open a command prompt window and run the following command:
''telnet server name port#'' where server name will be changed to your SMTP server name or IP address and the port# with the default port 25 or port used by your SMTP server.
If a black screen is open means that the QC server should be able to talk correctly to the SMTP server through the port specified
The port in the MAIL_SERVER_PORT parameter in the Site Administrator with the ability to configure the SMTP port to a port other than the default port (25).
1. From the Site Administrator, select the Site Config tab.
2. Click on the ''New'' button from the toolbar to create a new parameter.
3. Name the parameter MAIL_SERVER_PORT, and enter the port number that SMTP mail is using