Upgrading from LRE 2020.x to LRE 2021 How do i identify where the Project files are stored?
Question ID: 110100

where are the file repositories for each project?  

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Posted by (Questions: 231, Answers: 18)
Asked on April 23, 2021 1:23 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

To determine the location of the File Repository

      1. Login to the LRE 2020.1 LoadRunner Enterprise Administration (select the MANAGE YOUR ENVIRONMENT button
      2. In the left side navigation bar and select the CONFIGURATION >  Site configurations
      3. Select the File Repository tab (top, center of the SITE CONFIGURATIONS page)
      4. Make a note of the Root Path: <server/drive>:<path_to_your_LRE_ repository>
  • WARNING: DO NOT edit any of the subfolder paths or names in the File Repository editing these shall result in  loss of project(s) data


  1. To determine the File Repository folder for a project
    1. Select MANAGENEMT > Projects
    2. Select the project name link to open the project details page
    3. In the right column, the Project Unique ID  < a long string value >
      1. Example:  Project Unique ID  953848fa-fc6e-4abc-bfc8-deba70fllcff

NOTE: The Project Unique ID is the same as the name of the folder in the File Repository for that project

  • WARNING: DO NOT edit the names of the project's File Repository folder,  changing the name shall result in loss of project(s) data!


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Posted by (Questions: 12, Answers: 384)
Answered on April 23, 2021 1:35 pm

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