When will ALM include Web UI for all modules, not just Requirements and Defects?
Question ID: 107247

We are in the process of upgrading ALM from 11.52 to 12.53 and discovered the new Web UI is not available with this version. Is there a release date for when all modules will be available in the new Web UI?

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Posted by (Questions: 1, Answers: 0)
Asked on November 2, 2016 9:52 pm
Answers (2)
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HP has already included the Web UI modules for Defects and Requirements modules in QC/ALM 12, then in 12.2 introduced a Site Parameter to enable the ''technical preview'' of the test modules.

When 12.50 came out, they announced they would ''temporarily'' stop supporting the Web UI modules.

From the 12.50 What's New doc (http://alm-help.saas.hpe.com/en/12.53/online_help/Content/What_New/wn_alm_1250.htm):

''Web Client is targeted for release as part of our next major release cycle. If you are using the 12.00, 12.01, 12.20, or 12.21 Web Client you will need to remain on those versions in order to keep working with the Web Client, as it is not available for version 12.50.''

In QC/ALM 12.53 What's New document (http://alm-help.saas.hpe.com/en/12.53/online_help/Content/What_New/wn_alm_latest.htm), it still does not mention Web UI coming back.

Perhaps Web UI will come back in the next MAJOR release.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on November 7, 2016 7:51 pm
Private answer

To add, the browser being utilized can allow more Web UI functionality as well, as HP is rolling out the functionality differently based upon the browser being used (not all browsers have the same capabilities and functionality as other browsers). HP hopes to make this more standardized in the future but has adopted each browser at a different rate.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 770)
Answered on November 8, 2016 3:19 pm

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