While collating HP LoadRunner results the controller crashed
Question ID: 104540

While collating the results the controller crashed. Is there a way to recover the results?

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Posted by (Questions: 231, Answers: 18)
Asked on July 6, 2012 2:55 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

First verify that you have enough hard drive space for your results. If hard drive space is not an issue, try the Collate option: Controller -> Results -> Collate Results. If this fails, then,
1. On the controller machine, go to Result -> Results setting to verify the result location.

2. Navigate to the result directory on the controller.

3. Locate the file named remote_results.txt and open it in any word editor

4. On remote_results.txt, you will see the location of the .eve file on remote host. For example

5. Go to that specific host, and copy of the .eve file to the controller machine's result directory.

6. Open the Result file ( .lrr) in Analysis .

If the scenario crashed, or ended prematuerly then set ''FullData=1'' in the lrr file of the result folder:
1. Open the Result file ( .lrr) in notepad
2. Search for the [Data Collection] section
3. Create/modify the value or FullData to 1
[Data Collection]

This will help in cases that the result files ( *.eve) contains useful data but the Controller did not manage to write to the lrr that it has the data. FullData will be zero in this case. Setting it to 1 will enable you to view what data was saved.

If the result still failed to come up, it is very likely that the _t_rep.eve file in the controller is not completely generated. In order to save what can be saved, run the scenario again, for a short interval(5 mins) saving the results in a folder different than the old results folder. The _t_rep.eve file and the .lrr file in the new result directory need to be edited. In the _t_rep.eve file there is a line (first one) which maybe something like this:

''28 11 1018300521 2 4627103 22735576 5481115''

The 11 is the event code for start scenario.

The 1018300521 is the start time and it needs to be moved backward to match the beginning of the first load test.
The same must be done for the scenario start time specified in the .lrr file. For example,


Put here the same number.

After this replace the binary eve files(.eve or .gzl) from the new load test result with the ones collected from the LoadGenerators resulted from old scenario run. Back up the data folder in the new results directory. Copy the data folder from the old results directory in the new results directory. Now the results can be analyzed.

If the exact time of start of the first load test is not known. Select any start time that will definitely fall before the estimated start time of the original scenario. For eg; say 10000 seconds less than the one in the new load test. Make a few iteration until you find out what exactly was the first event's time.


The duration of scenario in the new result will not be accurate.

It is advised not to overwrite the old result directory in these cases since it consists of the summary data and the monitoring data created even before collation.

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Posted by (Questions: 17, Answers: 266)
Answered on July 6, 2012 2:56 pm

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