ALM DB migration
Question ID: 110398

Hello All,

We are using ALM in windows platform, we had 200+ projects in DB1, later ALM was connected to DB2 keeping DB1 live, so we had 200+ projects created in DB1 and 10+ projects created in DB2 

Now the plan is to decommission DB1 keeping only DB2 live, in this case what happens to DB1 projects which are live, do we have to point the dbid of DB1 to DB2? Please advise

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Posted by (Questions: 16, Answers: 9)
Asked on January 6, 2023 7:13 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

In order to limit confusion and possible shutting down of "old" DB server by uninformed DBA's, you should consolidate all project schemas/databases into the SAME DB server, if possible.

If you were using DB1 at the time this instance of ALM was installed, it very likely also has the Site Admin schema (sometimes named "qcsiteadmin_db") there and pointed to by the ALM service as it starts up ALM.

If you de-commission DB1, you should migrate your Site Admin schema (as well as all project schemas) to the newer DB2 (and run the stored procedure to "fix" the td user - if using SQL-server with SQL-auth).

You CAN re-point where ALM gets it's qcsiteadmin_db from to use DB2.


Also, if you need to move the project schemas from DB1 to DB2, you follow the usual Remove/Edit DBID/Restore process.  Here, you need to edit the DBID for each project that was using DB1 to have the same DB server name and URL as one of the DBID's for a project using DB2.

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Posted by (Questions: 4, Answers: 509)
Answered on January 11, 2023 3:43 pm

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