Can you lock the selection for post-run action in Performance Center 12.55?
Question ID: 108090

Can we lock the post-run action for projects of all users to be set to "Collate results", so the users can’t change it to "Do not collate results"?

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Posted by (Questions: 144, Answers: 1)
Asked on January 24, 2018 8:04 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

In Performance Center 12.55 log into Performance Center Administration, select Management > Projects.

Select the action that is triggered automatically when the test run ends. This does not replace the user privileges, and is not enforced on collate or analyze actions that can be performed by the user from the Test Runs page at a later time.

When you set a post-run action other than Unrestricted (user-defined), the selected action will be set as the only option for tests across the project, and users will not be able to change this setting.

Post-run actions are not applicable for test runs driven by the REST API or Jenkins plugin. They are enforced for tests driven from the user interface only.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 152)
Answered on January 24, 2018 8:05 pm

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