Error when loading license in Site Admin: Loading is failed – Authentication failed
Question ID: 109016

When I try to load my license for QC in the Site Admin license tab I get an error Loading is failed – Authentication failed.

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Posted by (Questions: 89, Answers: 0)
Asked on May 1, 2019 1:59 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

This issue can be caused by old cookies and cache in the browser. The recommendation is that you set IE to check for new versions of stored pages everytime I visit the page, clear the browser cache and history, restart the browser and then try to install the license.

I have seen a similar issue in the past where the licensing tab would not authenicate and usually the problem went away before I could get HPE/MicroFocus involved.

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 309)
Answered on May 1, 2019 2:01 am
that worked thanks
( at May 1, 2019 2:02 am)

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