Ports used for LG’s with LoadRunner Enterprise 2020
Question ID: 109429

What are the port and protocol being used to communicate between LoadRunner Enterprise 2020 and Load Generators?

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Posted by (Questions: 144, Answers: 1)
Asked on April 3, 2020 8:51 am
Answers (1)
Private answer

Standalone Load Generators communicate to both the LRE Host, designated as the Controller, and the LRE server, on the following ports, using the TCP protocol.

• 54245 -> TCP. Auto lab agent Connection between Admin Server and PC components.
• 54345 -> TCP. . Connection between Load Generator and Controller
• 8182 -> NV online graphs

However, if the machine that you are using for LG's, has the PC Host software installed, you might want to consider that the machine could also be used for a Controller and/or Data Processor. Then the following ports and protocols will be used:

• 80 -> HTTP. World Wide Web Services (HTTP Traffic-In and internal communication between the ALM, PC server and all PC Hosts)
• 3333 -> TCP. is for the service Data Collection Agent (Performance Center services)
• 8086 -> for Performance Center server/host to get online/offline analysis data
• 54245 -> TCP. Auto lab agent Connection between Admin Server and PC components.
• 54345 -> TCP. . Connection between Load Generator and Controller
• 50500 -> When the Controller connects to the MI Listener, it communicates to the MI Listener through port 50500.
• 8731 -> Configure SSL on the host for port 8731. Necessary when Configure a Port with an SSL Certificate

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 152)
Answered on April 3, 2020 8:53 am

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