Summary Data Versus Complete Data
Question ID: 106813

What is the difference between Summary Data Versus Complete Data and which should I use for reporting?

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Posted by (Questions: 144, Answers: 1)
Asked on April 28, 2016 12:44 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

The Raw Results with the complete data are correct and should be used in the report.

Summary Data Versus Complete Data

In large load test scenarios, with results exceeding 100 MB, it can take a long time for Analysis to process the data. When you configure how Analysis generates result data from load test scenarios, you can choose to generate complete data or summary data. Complete data refers to the result data after it has been processed for use within Analysis.

Summary data refers to the raw, unprocessed data. The summary graphs contain general information such as transaction names and times. Some fields are not available for filtering when you work with summary graphs.

Essentially, Summary data is predicated upon a subset of the total data. This subset is processed via a trend line forecasting algorithm that predicts the values for the full test. This is only a prediction and the metrics provided will always be inaccurate.

Note: For best practice, always use Complete Data when opening the results in Analysis. For making these changes in the Analysis tool, see below:
* Tools> Options...>Results Collection (Tab), select ''Generate complete data only''

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 152)
Answered on April 28, 2016 12:45 pm

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