Trouble installing Performance Center 12.53
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The Windows install for Performance Center 12.53 appears to be missing data. I was building a PC server when an error occurred installing the software and indicated "Error reading from file: Y:\\HP Software\\Performance Center 12.53\\HP_PC_12.53_Windows_Install \\HPPC_12.53_Windows_Install_Eng\\ Setup\\Install\\Server\\HP\\Performance Center Server\\dat\\FFProfile\\ extensions\\\\ui \\DescriptorsEditior\\css\\Bootstrap\\fonts\\glyphicons-halfings-regular.eot". I went back to the unpacked directory to see if the file was present. The error indicates a directory structure under DAT where this file should be. Not only is the file not there, there is not a directory structure under DAT at all. Wanted to see if anyone has seen this issue?
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