Unable to download the client installer the second time on ALM?
Question ID: 108760

We are experiencing an issue where the initial install of the client (a fresh install) works without issue, but once we close out that instance and relaunch the browser, the installation always fails and we are unable re-download the client and be able to connect to and log into ALM? We are using a client manager through Citrix and unsure if this is possibly a related issue?

We don’t have admin rights so our trouble shooting is limited for the basic users.

Any ideas on where we should look.

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Posted by (Questions: 379, Answers: 35)
Asked on December 10, 2018 3:38 pm
Answers (1)
Private answer

Hi HomerJ,
I have found in the past that if the inet cache, windows versions, and the internet browser history haven't been configured properly within the Citrix Profile manager, then this exact situation occurs as the initial downloads complete without issue and then the subsequent attempts are blocked as they manager now has them within its memory. I would look into that with your Citrix admins and see if they can get it resolved and if not then I would suggest that you open a support case with your support team.

I hope this helps,

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Posted by (Questions: 0, Answers: 770)
Answered on December 10, 2018 3:50 pm
We were able to set those as you suggested and the issue is resolved. Thanks for the suggestion.
( at December 10, 2018 3:51 pm)

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