There are explanations of the debug functionality in the LoadRunner help. It is publicly available. For the topics you asked about the links to them are currently (version 12.56):
[Call Stack Pane][1]
- This debug pane enables you to view information about the functions that are currently on the call stack of your script.
- This pane is relevant only when a run session is paused.
- This pane is read-only.
- You can double-click any element in the Call Stack pane to navigate to the beginning of the relevant
function/action in the script editor.
[Watch Pane][2]
- The Watch pane enables you to monitor variables while a script runs.
- This pane is relevant only when a run session is paused.
- The current value of the variable. The evaluated value is displayed only when a run session is paused.
- You can Add, Edit, Delete variables in the watch list
[Debugging Overview][3]